Shani Vermeulen

Shani Vermeulen

C Your Way to Gorgeous Skin

The benefits of Vitamin C Though the health benefits of Vitamin C have been known since the 1940s, it was only in the 1970s that scientists began studying the effects of topical vitamin C on skin. The focus was on…

Oats keeps hair and scalp healthy!

The interdependent relationship between the hair and the scalp is often overlooked – the hair protects the scalp against UV radiation, moisture loss, and the environment, while the scalp hosts the hair follicles as incubators for the preemergent hair fibers.…

The exquisite chemistry of honey

Fossil evidence from 150 million years ago proves that honeybees have been around longer than humans. This is probably also why they are the most studied creatures by humans after mankind. Ancient civilisations used honey in food and medicine and…